Our team of instructors at Mindful Wing Chun has many years of experience. They all can consider themselves as martial arts experts. Visit our instructors at our local school Mindful Wing Chun, Hong Kong.
Sebastian “Seb” Soza

Seb studied martial arts for seven years before starting Wing Chun in 2000. He has one year’s experience in Karate and six years’ experience in boxing. Like Nima, Seb also started practising at Jim Fung’s Wing Chun Academy in Sydney. He too moved to Hong Kong in 2006 to train directly under Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin (full-time, for up to six hours a day). In the last few years before he passed away, Grandmaster Chu voiced his opinion in many public gatherings that Nima King and Seb had already attained a high standard in his method of Wing Chun. Nima and Seb were the only non-Chinese students who were invited to write an article in Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin’s book, “The Book of Wing Chun volume 2”.
Tom Allison

Tom has been practising Wing Chun in Hong Kong full-time since 2007 in the Mindful Wing Chun system. His journey started in 2004 in the UK under a different lineage. He also has extensive experience in fitness and other martial arts systems. Before starting Wing Chun, he studied Judo for three years and Muay Thai for two years. Since 2005, Tom has been participating regularly in marathons and duathlons. That’s probably why Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin commented that he had a very strong build, which is a great vessel for Wing Chun applications. Tom shows his dedication to this beautiful art by practising and teaching for over 50 hours a week.
Lawrence Monsalud

Lawrence has been practising Wing Chun since 2007. He was actually Nima’s first student in Hong Kong. Within just one year of starting to practise Wing Chun, Lawrence had his first challenge fight against a Karate practitioner, whom he defeated within a few seconds (without hurting him!). Since he started practising, Lawrence hasn’t taken even a one-week break from his practice. He is a very dedicated student and teacher of this lineage’s method of Wing Chun. At a young age he has already made a name for himself in the Chu Shong Tin Wing Chun community in Hong Kong.
Chris Tannous

Chris has been practising Wing Chun since 2010. His passion and dedication to the practice is equal to those who have been doing it a lifetime! The proof lies in the fact that he gave up all his other pursuits, and even his career as a psychotherapist, to dedicate his time to teaching others the system that gave him the skills he has today. Amongst all the practitioners of Wing Chun, his skill level has developed almost the fastest. He credits this to the system of learning that is taught at Mindful Wing Chun. As with all teachers of the Mindful Wing Chun system, Chris is a living example of how the development of relaxation and mind force can bring students to the level of a “martial arts instructor” in a country with many great and strong teachers.