FAQ about payments and account management. More information about the online Wing Chun Kung Fu course content, instructors and materials.

Payment Policies

How will I be charged?

Monthly Subscription: 

Your credit card will automatically be charged monthly by Teachable at the same subscription rate until you cancel your subscription. Except for one-month-only discounts, in which case the default rate will be charged after the first month’s discounted price.

Annual / Subscriptions: 

Your credit card will be automatically charged annually by Teachable at the same subscription rate until you cancel your subscription. Except for one-year-only discounts, in which case the default rate will be charged after the first year’s discounted price.

If you paid via Paypal or any other direct deposit, you will receive a prompt 14 days prior to your expiration to pay for the next year at the previously agreed upon rate.

Lifetime Membership: 

All lifetime memberships are one time purchases and you will not be charged ever again for access to the curriculum.

Account Management

How do I cancel my subscription?

If you’re enrolled and you wish to cancel your subscription:

Please click your profile portrait located at the top right of the curriculum’s homepage, and select manage subscriptions. Then you simply follow the steps for a cancellation.

For whatever reason, we will really appreciate any feedback you have regarding the course and why you’ve left and would greatly appreciate it. If you could please send us an email with the details of your decision. We are constantly improving our program and its delivery so we highly value your opinion in any and every way!

Can I watch old videos/classes if I cancel my subscription?

Please note that you will not be able to access any of the videos (previous or future) once you cancel your subscription, however, you will be able to continue where you left off once you resubscribe with the same email address as when you were first subscribed.

What do I do if I want to change to a different device to access the course?

Simply send us an email here and notify us that you would like to switch your default device. There will then be a grace period of 1 week from the day of email sent, and then we will monitor your account to check if you have started logging in from a new device.

What if I can’t login to my online course anymore?

If you can’t login to your online course, try the following steps here.

How do I join the Online Community on Facebook or Telegram?

Simply find our Facebook group titled ‘MWC Online Community’ through this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/MwcOnline/.

Or by using the search bar in Facebook and request to join the group. You will be required to provide your login name and email for verification before being added to the group! We highly recommend everyone subscribing student of this program to join. Try to be active within this group to share, ask question, get feedback from the teachers and perhaps find a training partner living close by! Please note that this group is only for students who are currently subscribed to our Online School.

or ask us to send you a link for our private group chat on TELEGRAM.

How long will it take before I see results?

The answer to this question varies depending on each individual situation. Depending on many aspects such as your starting level of ability, the relaxation and openness of your body. Also on your coordination level prior to this practice and most importantly, how much time you invest into the practice.

You should certainly begin to feel results from the first 3 months. In the beginning, you will feel like you are progressing very rapidly as you absorb a lot of new skills and practice new techniques. As time goes on you will feel a steady progression through a balance of revision exercises and learning new techniques while constantly practising the fundamental aspects of Mindful Wing Chun.

When will I be ready to spar with what I’ve learnt?

We are confident that, if you complete the weekly prescribed homework with the recommended techniques, exercises and amount of training, you will be able to spar with other martial arts after the first year of the program!

Is this applicable as self-defense?

Everything you’ve been shown can be used in a self-defense scenario. However, we highly recommend light and technical sparring with a person who is also a competent martial artist to refine your techniques. Your health is our priority so please proceed with caution when you start applying what you’ve learnt in a combat scenario.

Can we schedule private sessions via video chat?

Yes. Please let us know your availability and we will try our best to organize an online private lesson with one of our MWC instructors.

Videos with Sifu Nima are subject to availability, please email us for inquiries.

Can we discuss more advanced class topics with newer students?

Please feel free to discuss what you’ve learnt and how the course has helped you regardless of what stage of the course you are in. However, we must ask you to refrain from discussing the details and instructions of the more advanced classes directly with beginners. This is related to why our videos are released in their schedule, as we do not want students exposed to certain movements that can complicate their current practice and compromise their trajectory in the course.

Can we request extra videos?

We are very grateful that you are eager to learn more than what we have. We take your feedback very seriously. If you feel like there is anything missing, please feel free to email us your suggestions and we will take it into consideration.

Do we get a discount to visiting you in Hong Kong?

Yes. If you have annual or lifetime subscription plan, you will be able to visit us in Hong Kong and train in any and all of our group classes free of charge for 2 weeks! We believe this will give you a huge boost to your training!

How is the grading evaluated?

Grading is optional within this program. The videos will be released according to the same schedule whether or not you choose to grade. Once you have completed certain milestones according to the duration of your practice within the course, you will be eligible for an online grading. There is an additional cost for grading. After your payment you will be able to vie the techniques and exercises that you are required to perform on video and send it to us for our review. Upon evaluating your performance, we will send you detailed feedback of your result and the areas that we think you have room for improvement. Once you have passed each grading examination, we will send you a Certificate of achievement.

Is there an instructor’s course?

Yes, however this will be accessible later on within the program. Once you have successfully passed the grading and have attained at least the 5th Level.

Do I need to finish each lesson before I can access new lessons?

No, you do not need to complete the lessons to move on to the next ones. The lessons are accessible on a monthly/yearly basis from the time you subscribe (depending on your subscription plan).

Monthly Plan

The lessons in this program will be automatically released on a MONTHLY basis for as long as there is an active subscription (until it is cancelled by the student). This means that you will have immediate access to the lessons of the first 4 weeks on your first payment. Up to week 8 on your second payment and so on… Please note that you may upgrade from the Monthly to Annual Subscription within this program which is more cost efficient. However, within this program the videos will still continue to be automatically released on a monthly basis in the duration of your Annual Subscription.

Yearly Plan

The lessons in this program will be automatically released on an ANNUAL basis. As long as there is an active subscription (until it is cancelled by the student). This means that you will have immediate access to the lessons of the first 52 weeks on your first year’s payment, up to week 104 on your second year payment and so on…”

Lifetime Access Plan

You will get immediate access to the ENTIRE program upon purchasing the Lifetime subscription and keep access for ever!

Read also our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for more FAQ.