What our Students from the Online Community say about us!
I love on that program, that I can have my own pace. I’m on Wing Tsun fair nearly 11 years and it’s awesome to have such details and explanations for everything. Things you expect to know can be so unbelievable deep and so my journey has just begun.
Thanks Nima King you and your team is so lovely.
Ah, I forgot to say, that the FB community is also a great pleasure. Everyone helps and you’re always there to answer every questions and watch our videos to correct us.

Markus Lembke
from Germany
I can wholeheartedly recommend MWC online. The training program is easy to follow with simple instructions and fantastic videos. The ideas are explained in a manner that shows a deep understanding of the core concepts, which helps the students learn. It is a self paced program so advanced students can progress quickly but also allows students to focus on any exercise or concepts that they feel they need to work on. MWC and Nima King were recommended to me by my Sifu. I do the same with anyone who I believe really wants to learn Wing Chun because I believe in the teaching.

Adam Nicholas
from Australia
I joined the MWC online school, just for a free trial, during the first lockdown due to COVID pandemy. Almost one year after, I’m still there! I found a huge amount of informations and tips on the videos. I can progress step by step, at my own speed. The videos are so detailed that each time I come back to it, I learn something else or go deeper in the understanding of the art. The Facebook community is also great, full of kind peoples, and I always get answers to my questions. Even if I spent most of my time training alone, I really feel as a part of a big family and we all try to touch the mysteries of motion!

Lou Chevry
from France
simply calling the MWC school an “online course” is doing it a disservice- it is a full-on knowledge base that would, at a minimum, enrich and dramatically improve ones perception of movement, force and relaxation, even to someone with zero knowledge of wing chun or “kung fu”.
Sifu Nima is not only “exposing the secrets” of this beautiful art by striping it down to it’s core in incredible detail leaving you wanting more every week- but is giving the students every possible tool to manifest the lessons, test themselves and check their progress.
for me coming from a different lineage this school is helping me expose weaknesses in my own structures, forms and movement by helping me be become more and more aware of every inch of movement and intention, and this knowledge for me is both priceless and unparalleled.

Yam Barak
from Israel
I have been training with Mindful for over 10 years and have also joined the online program. This online program is fantastic.
Despite me having the privilege to train at the school physically with the sifus, the details, knowledge and experience sharing by sifu Nima in the online program is just selfishlessly amazing. I can choose the areas that i am working at the school and watched the online program on specific parts and try to improve that way. Its an honour to be able to train under sifu Nima and to get the benefit of his sharings through the online program as well.
It will be a miss if you are serious about learning wing chun and not joining the program.

Esther Cheung
from Hong Kong
After 2 tours at the MWC HQ in Hong Kong. Then joining the online school.
The online school is a valuable resource for all levels.
Great insights are passed on from the instructors at MWC.
I really like the personal touch of the Facebook group.
Nima is on hand to answer questions and other members offer and share their insights.
The online content is updated periodically and it’s encouraged to go back over previous material and train at your own pace.
As an internal martial art it does not follow the other traditional internal martial arts theory.
It has its own unique principles, that are easy to follow.
Even if you find the internal side of the training difficult to grasp.
The information on structure within the techniques will improve your martial game.
I will continue with MWC online and continue my pilgrimage to MWC HQ when permitted.

Mike Magee
from UK
More reviews can be found on our Facebook page.
Video Testimonials
Wing Chun experts and doctors are recommending the Mindful Wing Chun Online program.
Sifu Miguel & Dr. Berkelhammer
Students of the Online Program
Sifu Yam Barak & David Williams
Students of the Online Program
Sifu Tony Psaila
Teacher of the CST method in Adelaide