Ving Tsun is a traditional Chinese martial art that focuses on close-range combat and rapid striking techniques. It is characterized by its fluid and efficient movements, which are designed to neutralize an opponent’s attacks and quickly counter with strikes of one’s own.

History of Ving Tsun
It is one of the world’s youngest Kung Fu styles and the only one founded by a woman. That woman was Ng Mui (or Ng Mei), a Buddhist nun of China’s famous Shaolin Temple. Ng Mui was recognised as one of the top five martial artists in China during the early 1700s. Although highly proficient in the existing styles of Kung Fu, she felt it was possible to devise a more effective fighting method. Which did not rely so much on brute strength or take too long to learn.
Ving Tsun technique is divided into three main forms: Siu Nim Tao, Chum Kiu anbd Biu Gee. Siu Nim Tao means “little idea”. Its purpose is to cultivate a particular state of mind of absolute focus, creating a stronger mind-body connection and produce power with mass that is beyond brute muscular strength. Chum Kiu builds upon the foundation of state of mind established in Siu Nim Tao and focuses on moving the mass with speed and power, to bridge the gap between the practitioner and opponent. As well as developing the ability to strike and defend at the same time. Biu Gee is the final non-weapon form and is considered to be the most advanced form of using the bodies movement and movement of mass. As it is a foundation of Chum Kiu, Practitioners must be proficient with Chum Kiu form.
The Principles
One of the key principles of Ving Tsun is the concept of “economy of motion.” This means that practitioners aim to use the least amount of energy possible to achieve the greatest effect. This is achieved through the use of fluid and efficient movements, rather than relying on brute strength.
Another important principle of Ving Tsun is the use of “centreline theory.” This refers to the idea that the centreline of the body represents the most direct and vulnerable line of attack for an opponent. By controlling the centreline, a Ving Tsun practitioner is able to neutralize an opponent’s attacks and quickly counter with strikes of their own.
It is a unique style of martial art that is based on neutralizing the danger quickly and effectively. Furthermore, it places a strong emphasis on the use of the “four gates,” which are the four main areas of the body where strikes can be delivered: the head, the solar plexus, the groin, and the legs. By targeting these areas, a Ving Tsun practitioner can quickly incapacitate an opponent.
Among its techniques also includes a form of training called “Chi-Sao”. It’s a drill used to develop sensitivity and reflexes and improve the flow of motion and mass. It builds the ability to stick to an opponent, bridging the gap and controlling their body. Also, it is a two-person drill in which two people stick their arms and roll with each other. Moreover, by creating a steady flow in which both can benefit and cultivate from. It starts off slow with the possibility to build onto sparring.
Benefits of Ving Tsun
Ving Tsun is not only a martial art, it is a self-improvement process that is used for any situation in life, beyond self-defence and fighting. From injury healing and therapy, to bringing your athleticism to the next level. Or, even something as simple as maintaining a good physical and mental health. Ving Tsun has the ability to unlock next level potential within the human body and the human mind.
In conclusion, Ving Tsun is a traditional Chinese martial art that has its roots dating back tot he early 1700s of China’s famous Shaolin Temple. It is characterized by fluid, efficient and minimal movement. Its focus on cultivating the mind and the body to produce mass with speed and power beyond brute strength through the 3 forms. Its application on close-range combat and rapid striking techniques. The principles of economy of motion and centreline theory are central to Ving Tsun, and the art. It is a versatile martial art that can be used for self-defence, sport, and even as a form of therapy. Generally, making it suitable for people of all ages.